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Welcome from the Director Of Development

You Make a Difference

The Village School is a special place.  Everything you love about our school is made possible because of the generosity of our parents, grandparents, staff, trustees, alumni, and special friends. Those before us helped to build TVS and we are forever grateful for their vision and dedication, and with your partnership, we will carry the torch forward!

A strong parent partnership is key to our success. Like many independent schools, The Village School relies on the support and involvement of our entire school community. Your engagement as a volunteer and donor guarantees advancement for all the students at TVS.

Get involved! Did you know that studies have shown that parent involvement makes a difference in the success of a student, resulting in higher achievement, better social skills, and less absenteeism? There are many ways to become involved at TVS. We encourage you to attend Village School Parent Association meetings (VSPA) to learn more about the opportunities available to you.

The Village School commUNITY comes together each year in support of our students, faculty & staff. When you give your time, treasure, and talent, you make a difference!

Knights for Life!

Jane Badger
Director of Development

Support The Village School